
Let $K_0$ be a compact convex subset of the plane $\mathbb R^2$, and assume that whenever $K_1\subseteq \mathbb R^2$ is congruent to $K_0$, then $K_0$ and $K_1$ are not crossing in a natural sense due to L. Fejes-T\'oth. A theorem of L. Fejes-T\'oth from 1967 states that the assumption above holds for $K_0$ if and only if $K_0$ is a disk. In a paper appeared in 2017, the present author introduced a new concept of crossing, and proved that L. Fejes-T\'oth's theorem remains true if the old concept is replaced by the new one. Our purpose is to describe the hierarchy among several variants of the new concepts and the old concept of crossing. In particular, we prove that each variant of the new concept of crossing is more restrictive then the old one. Therefore, L. Fejes-T\'oth's theorem from 1967 becomes an immediate consequence of the 2017 characterization of circles but not conversely. Finally, a mini-survey shows that this purely geometric paper has precursor in combinatorics and, mainly, in lattice theory.


  • Let K0 be a compact convex subset of the plane R2, and assume that whenever K1 ⊆ R2 is congruent to K0, K0 and K1 are not crossing in a natural sense due to L

  • Let HCC denote the set of the four concepts of crossing for planar compact convex sets investigated in this paper; the acronym comes from “Hierarchy of Crossing Concepts”

  • We have proved in [23] that for every compact convex set H ⊆ R2

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Aim and introduction

Denoting the (usual real) Euclidean plane by R2, let X and Y be subsets of R2. We say that X and Y are congruent ( called isometric) if there exists a distancepreserving bijection φ : R2 → R2 such that φ(X) = Y. The convex hull Conv(X) of X ⊆ R2 is the smallest convex subset of R2 that contains X. Disks and circles are subsets of R2 of the form { x, y : x2 + y2 ≤ r2} and { x, y : x2 + y2 = r2} where r ∈ R, respectively; they are necessarily nonempty sets. Key words and phrases: compact convex set, circle, characterization of circles, disk, crossing, abstract convex geometry, Adaricheva-Bolat property, boundary of a compact convex set, supporting line, slide-turning, lattice. Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 85:1–2 (2019) c Bolyai Institute, University of Szeged

New concepts of crossing and our main result
Lemmas and proofs
From congruence lattices to the present paper
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