
In the present study, we tested whether the pineal organ of ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis), an osmerid teleost close relative of salmonids, harbours a circadian oscillator regulating rhythmic melatonin release using flow-through culture. The pineal organ maintained under light/dark cycles released melatonin in a rhythmic fashion with high levels during the dark phase. A circadian rhythm of melatonin release persisted in constant darkness for at least four cycles. Characteristics of the circadian rhythm (free-running period, phase and amplitude) exhibited small variations among cultures when the data was normalized, indicating that this system is sufficient for the analysis of the circadian rhythm both at qualitative and quantitative levels. Six-hour extension of the light phase from the normal onset time of the dark phase or exposure to constant light for 36 or 48 h before transfer to constant darkness significantly inhibited melatonin release. Phase shifts in the circadian rhythm of melatonin release were also observed. Thus, the ayu pineal organ contains all the three essential components of the circadian system (a circadian clock, the photoreceptor responsible for photic entrainment of the clock, and melatonin generating system as an output pathway). This system should provide a useful model for analysing the physiological and molecular basis of the vertebrate circadian system. In addition, further comparative studies using salmonids and related species including ayu will provide some insight into the evolution of the roles of the pineal organ in the vertebrate circadian system.

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