
Gonadal state, pineal melatonin rhythms, and locomotor activity rhythms were examined in juvenile male Djungarian hamsters exposed to non-24-hr light cycles ("T-cycles") or to full photoperiods. At the end of 1 month, hamsters exposed to a 1-hr pulse of light every 24.33 hr (T 24.33) exhibited small testes, whereas those receiving the same amount of light every 24.78 hr (T 24.78) displayed stimulated gonads, ten-fold larger in size. Accompanying the nonstimulatory effect of the T 24.33 cycle were nocturnal peaks in both pineal melatonin content and serum melatonin concentration which were longer by approximately 4 hr than those observed on the photostimulatory T 24.78 cycle. Exposure to an intermediate-length T-cycle (T 24.53) resulted in a mixed gonadal response and in pineal and serum melatonin peaks of intermediate duration. Wheel-running activity was entrained to the T-cycles such that light was present only near the beginning of the subjective night, its phase (relative to activity onset) differing only slightly among T-cycle groups. Hence the durational differences observed in the melatonin peaks were apparently not due to the acute suppressive or phase-advancing effects of morning light on melatonin biosynthesis, but were rather the result of differences in the endogenous control of pineal activity by the circadian pacemaker system. While no strong correlation was detected between gonadal state and the phase of locomotor activity onset relative to the light pulse, a significant correlation was observed between gonadal state and the duration of daily locomotor activity (alpha). These data were compared to similar measures obtained from hamsters exposed to long-versus short-day full photoperiods (LD 16:8 vs. LD 10:14). In summary, the results of this study indicate involvement of the circadian pacemaker system of Djungarian hamsters in the control of pineal melatonin synthesis and secretion, and in photoperiodic time measurement. Furthermore, these data strengthen the hypothesis that it is the duration of nocturnal pineal melatonin secretion that is the critical feature of this neuroendocrine gland's photoperiodic signal.

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