
Autoradiographic studies using [125I]iodomelatonin in several species, including the Syrian hamster, have revealed that the rostral region of the anterior paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (aPVT) contains a very high density of binding sites for melatonin. In two studies, small or large bilateral electrolytic lesions of the aPVT were made in adult male hamsters maintained on long days (LD 16:8). The hamsters were then transferred to short days (LD 8:16) to test whether testicular regression could occur in response to a decrease in photoperiod. Serum prolactin concentrations were measured as a second photoperiodic response. All unoperated control hamsters showed the typical short-day photoperiodic response: A decrease in serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin concentrations and testicular regression all occurred within 6 weeks in short days, followed by the development of scotorefractoriness. Lesions of the aPVT did not significantly affect the rate or the degree of the short-day-induced decline in serum levels of LH or prolactin, nor the pattern of testicular regression and the subsequent expression of refractoriness. To enable us to determine whether the aPVT might be involved in the entrainment or the expression of circadian rhythms, locomotor activity was monitored continuously in lesioned and control groups in Experiment 2, prior to and following the switch to short days. The reduction in photoperiod (involving an 8-hr advance in the time of lights-off and an 8-hr extension of the dark phase) caused a decompression of the nocturnal activity bout of control animals, so that after 2 weeks in short days, activity onset had also advanced to regain its phase relationship to the timing of lights-off. A similar pattern of reentrainment was observed in lesioned animals, and no differences were observed between treatment groups in the rate of entrainment and decompression. In addition, both intact controls and animals bearing large bilateral lesions of the aPVT exhibited robust free-running circadian rhythms of locomotor activity when held under constant dim red light. In summary, the integrity of the aPVT is not necessary for the seasonal response of the reproductive axis and prolactin secretion to photoperiod, nor for photic entrainment of activity rhythms, in the Syrian hamster.

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