
This dataset aggregates data extracted from the CIRAD wood chemical composition database, describing 614 botanical species belonging to 358 genera and 89 families, in Montpellier, France. WOOD CHEMICAL COMPOSITION DATABASE The CIRAD wood chemical composition database is a part of the general CIRAD wood database covering a wide range of technological properties, mainly physics and mechanics, anatomy, natural durability and preservation, wood machining, etc. 614 wood species are described with measurements of wood polymers (cellulose, lignin and pentosan) and overall extraneous components (ethanol-benzene, hot water extracts, ash, silica content). These measurements were taken between 1945 and 1990 using the same standard protocols. Chemical characteristics were measured on specimen from 1,194 trees corresponding to 614 botanical species, 358 genera and 89 families. DESCRIPTION OF THE DATASET It consists in the following file: Cirad chemical wood composition database - dataset.xlsx General information The file is in XLSX format. Data fields The file provides the following characteristics for each specimen (also given in the second tab of the file Cirad chemical wood composition - dataset.xlsx): • Test: Each individual set of measurements • Year: Calendar year of the measurement • Tree: CTFT reference in the wood collection • Origin: Provenance country of the tree • Family: Botanical family (updated version June 2018) • Species: Botanical genus and species (updated version June 2018) • Density Code: 1- value from Cirad wood collection; 2- value from literature; 3- missing value • Density: Value from wood collection or sometimes from literature • AB ext: Ethanol/benzene extract (%) • W ext: Water extract (%) • Ash: Mineral content (%) • Silica: Silica content (%) • Lignin: Lignin content (%) • Pentosan: Pentosan content (%) • Cellulose: Cellulose content (%) • Balance: Summation of all contents except silica (%) % values are always related to anhydrous wood gross weight

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