
This study aimed to use the CIPP model to evaluate the context, input, process and product of“NTUE 2012 Nepal Snowland School”service-learning project(2011.10~2013.01).The researcher used methods such as observation, interview, questionnaire and document analysis to collect data following triangulation principle. The participants in this study were delegation leader professors, cooperative professors, nine volunteer teachers (VTs), Snowland administrative staff, teachers and students. Based upon data collected, the research findings were as follows. 1. The context of the project includes creates overseas job market for NTUE students, enhances highlights for the department of Education, opens VT’s vision and stimulates VT’s love for teaching. Delegation members demonstrated their altruistic action from demonstrate affection to Snowland and operation of the “Determined to go back” group. 2. The input of the project includes funds from government and university, human resources from university, hotel, museum and media. Donated supplies collected by NGO and volunteer teachers. Delegation members learn about the course requirements of Snowland students through site survey and email. Recommendations on the funds, they are not only from government and university, but also includes NGO. 3. The project follows the five phases of service-learning.Tied with three NTUE courses (Service-Learning and International Education research) for preparation and reflection;for three action and reflection to Snowland School students, teachers and I-Lan Chaung –Wei Junior High School students;five goals for teaching evaluation and reflection;through Static and dynamic results for celebration and reflection. Through the above investigation, the researchers found that there still rooms for improvement, such as expanding for celebration. 4. The product of the project was evaluated according to the five aspects. First, three teaching goals are as follows. (1) VTs learn more about Nepali culture and education, (2) VTs possess cross cultural teaching ability, and (3) VTs demonstrate affection to Snowland or Nepal. Second, Snowland teachers gave a positive feedback to professors.Third, Chaung Wei Junior High school students learned a lot from Volunteers. Fourth, this project enhances highlights for the department of Education, the pre- and in-service teacher’s accomplishments and affective domain. Fifth, service-learning project from quantitative data analysis shows 90% of the students were very fond of the curriculum and 89% said curriculum were meaningful, and from the qualitative data analysis, Snowland students learned many things from volunteer teachers. Based on the above findings of the study, the researchers make recommendations for oversea service-learning project and future research. 1. Funds and donated supplies can not only be from government and university, but also from NGO. 2. For future research, how levels of strength or weakness of VT’s autonomy affects the growth and learning of participants can be studied.

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