
The Importance of Sexual Health EducationSexual health education is a process starting with birth and continuing throughout the life of the individual. The main aim of sexual health education is to protect and maintain sexual health. The protection, development and sustainability of the sexual health, depend on the individuals becoming conscious about sex and sexual health. Consciousness begins within the family, in every period of life like pre-school, school and after school, it is gained by a comprehensive sexual health education appropriate to the necessity. In most other countries in the world especially in the developing ones a systematic sexual health education does not exist in Turkey. The main reason for this is that sexual education is thought to encourage adolescents ta have early sexual experience. However, research on this subject indicates that comprehensive sexual health education delays sexual intercourse, decreases sexyal intercourse frequency, protects teenagers against sexually-transmitted diseases and helps them to have beter relationshipswith other. Besides this, it is known that sexual health enables individuals to comprehend their own psysical, emotional and sexual developments, helps them to develop safe and healthy sexual behaviours, as well aa teaching them to respect the behaviours and lifestyles of other people.

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