
eyaz curukcul mantar olan Pycnoporus cinnabarinus, sinnabarinik asit (CA) olarak adlandirilan ve onculu olan 3-hidroksiantranilik asitin (3-HAA) lakkaz-katalizli oksidasyonu sonucu dogal fenoksizon pigmenti uretmektedir. Bu reaksiyon mantar tarafindan antimikrobiyal pigmentin uretilmesinde onemlidir. Bu calismada, optimum kosullarda P. cinnabarinus tarafindan pigment uretimini belirlenmistir. Izole edilen pigment spektroskopik yontemler, FT-IR, 1H NMR ve LC-MS kullanilarak sinnabarinik asit olarak karakterize edilmistir. Bu teknikler kullanilarak ilk defa CA'in sicakliga bagli degisimi bulunmustur. Sicakligin arttirilmasiyla CA, 3-HAA'e donusmektedir ve bu nedenle pigmentin antimikrobiyal etkisi azalmaktadir. ABSTRACT T he white-rot fungus, Pycnoporus cinnabarinus, produces the natural phenoxazinone pigment, cinnabarinic acid (CA), which is formed by laccase-catalyzed oxidation of the precursor 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3- HAA). This reaction is necessary for the production of antibacterial pigment compounds by the fungus. In this study, the optimum conditions were determined to produce pigment from P. cinnabarinus in batch cultures. Isolated pigment was characterized as cinnabarinic acid by spectroscopic techniques, FT-IR; 1H NMR and LC- MS. Temperature-dependent change of CA was also investigated for the first time by using these techniques. It was observed that CA was converted to 3-HAA with increasing temperature and therefore its antibacterial effect was decreased.

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