
During a field survey of Korean marine and brackish water ciliate diversity, we collected a tiny benthic ciliate (13–18 µm long in vivo) from the opening of a brackish water lagoon (10‰). At low magnification, it resembles members of the genus Aspidisca because of the oval body shape and the benthic life style, but is not thigmotactic. Based on the observations of living cells, silver-impregnated specimens (i.e., using protargol, silver carbonate, and wet silver nitrate), SEM images, and the 18S rRNA gene sequences, we confirmed that it is a new member of the genus Cinetochilides. The new species, C. minimus sp. nov., can be easily distinguished from other congeners mainly by the fragmented somatic kinety 1. In spite of the small size, the new species has more than 200 basal bodies, including those in the oral apparatus. The arrangement of the ciliary pattern is rather confusing because of the polymerized kinetids, the sparse basal bodies, the non-ciliated area on the dorsal side, and the presence of parasomal sacs next to the kinetosomes. In the present study, we provide a detailed morphological description and infer the phylogenetic position of Cinetochilides minimus sp. nov. based on 18S rRNA gene sequences.

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