
Ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor alpha (CNTFRalpha) is the ligand-binding component of the CNTF receptor. CNTFRalpha expression is essential for the normal development of spinal motoneurons and is required for the development of a sex difference in motoneuron number in androgen-sensitive perineal motoneurons. We used immunocytochemistry to examine the expression and hormone regulation of CNTFRalpha protein in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB), dorsolateral nucleus and retrodorsolateral nucleus of the lower lumbar spinal cord of adult rats. CNTFRalpha immunoreactivity (CNTFRalpha-IR) was observed in the somata and dendrites of virtually all motoneurons. In all three motor pools, the intensity of motoneuron soma labeling was greatest among gonadally intact males and was reduced in females and gonadectomized males. The density of CNTFRalpha-IR in neuropil also tended to be highest in intact males. Short-term (2 d) testosterone propionate treatment reversed the decline in the density of soma labeling in the SNB of castrated males but did not reverse any other effects of castration. Long-term hormone treatment, achieved by implanting males with testosterone capsules at the time of gonadectomy, prevented the decline in soma labeling in all motor pools and partially prevented the decline in neuropil label caused by castration. We conclude that expression of CNTFRalpha protein is androgen-regulated in spinal motoneurons.

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