
Writing and reading style for different reading levels was developed throughout the decade, resulting in two different types of publications in the media industry, the Popular Magazine and Radical Magazine. One of the many forms of radical magazine, is the little magazine, which bases its emphasis on the subject of literature. Little magazine has four distinct, yet interconnected archetype: Content, Production, Readership Use and Interaction and Intersection with Mainstream Media. The relative distinction of little magazine resides in its production, within which the uniqueness namely exist in content production, sales and distribution cycle. In turn, it is possible to identify that the production method of little magazine and the production method of alternative media to be compatible in many aspects. In line to this, this particular study aims to juxtapose the production method of little magazine and the production-centered trend of alternative media as typified by Atkinson (2017). General process of media production is used as a basic framework to best illustrate the little magazine’s production structure. Descriptive content analysis method has been used in this study as it examines three different concepts; media, alternative media and little magazine. The study established that little magazine resonates with the characteristics of alternative media and also depicts the differences to that of general media production.

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