
This article proposes the use of various tools articulated for self-evaluation for accreditation purposes, applied in the model of the National System of Evaluation, Accreditation and Certification of Educational Quality (SINEACE) of Peru, involving in a joint and complementary waythe Advancement Scale, the Deming Cycle and the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), and its application in the Doctoral Program in Economics of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development of the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (PDERN y DS -UNALM). The Deming Cycle consists of the processes: plan, do, verify and act, with the participation of stakeholders, and the BSC incorporates strategic perspectives, at financial, internal, innovation and learning, and customer level, allowing to evaluate the strategic objectives. In the PDERNy DS case study, evidence is provided with the level of self-assessment achieved, which corresponds to the SINEACE level of advancement scale of 9.9with respect to the 10 levels to be achieved, which implies being in a position to present the study programfor national accreditation.

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