
Part 1 Phylogenetic intrarelationships of the family Chichlidae - an overview, M.L.J.Stiassny: Cichlid placement within the Percomorpha a review of Cichlid intrafamilial relationships concluding remarks Taxonomic appendix. Part 2 Distribition and ecology of the Cichlids of the African Great Lakes, A.J.Ribbink: geographic distribution ecology synthesis. Part 3 Ecology of Cichlids in South American waters and African rivers, R.H.Lowe-McConnell: neotropical Cichlid faunas the Cichlid faunas of African rivers riverine Cichlids associated with African lakes ecology of tilapias rheophilic Cichlids in Africa selection pressures on riverine Cichlids. Part 4 Speciation, P.H.Greenwood: speciation - the products speciation - the process. Part 5 Genetics, I.Kornfield: descriptive genetics genetics of the phenotype molecular systematics. Part 6 functional morphology, K.F.Liem: functional design of the feeding apparatus polyphyletic functional diversification or adaptive radiation?. Part 7 Feeding relationships, K.Yamaoka: feeding behaviour versatility in food and feeding behaviour how to coexist?. Part 8 Mating systems among Cichlid fishes, G.W.Barlow: an account of mating systems conservatism of mating systems factors of mating systems commentary. Part 9 Parental care, M.H.A.Keenleyside: general patterns of parental care behaviourial patterns associated with parental care male-female roles in parental care pair-bond stability during brood care brood-mixing evolution of parental care. Part 10 Ontogenty of behaviour in Cichlids, D.L.G.Noakes: developmental stages and the timing of hatching feeding behaviour social behaviour and the role of impriting parent-young interactions comparative studies. Part 11 Communication, M.Nelissen: what is communication? how do Cichlids communicate? functions of communication. Part 12 Sexual selection and the evolution of the Cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi, Africa, K.R.McKaye: overview of sexual selection theory field studies of Cichlid mate choice Lande's model of sexual selection upon polygamous species coloration and bower form-male characters undergoing sexual selection morphological and genetic evidence on monophyly of bower form evidence of female choice among lekking Cichlids in Lake Malawi. Part 13 The haplochromine Cichlids in Lake Victoria-an assessment of biological and fisheries interests, C.D.N.Barel: the original haplochromine species flock the impact of the Nile perch on the original haplochromine flock fisheries in Lake Victoria and their socioeconomic evaluation. Part 14 Cichlids in aquaculture, R.S.V.Pullin: why culture Cichlids? breeding cultured Cichlids world production of Cichlids in aquaculture aquacultural production appendix.

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