
Scarring eyebrow loss is usually repaired with a hair-bearing island scalp flap or scalp strip grafting technique. The results, however, are usually not desirable with regard to appearance. In this article, a one- or two-hair graft with a dense-packing technique was developed for cicatricial eyebrow reconstruction. It was carried out by harvesting a scalp strip close to the hairline of the back, then dividing it into a series of one- or two-hair grafts, and finally implanting the grafts into the prepared recipient holes of the eyebrow with a desired hair direction. With the authors' experience in treating 96 patients (154 eyebrows) in cases of burn, skin grafting, traumatic scarring, and chemical peeling scar after tattoo removal, the eyebrows could be restored in only one session. In general, 150 to 200 grafts with 200 to 250 hairs were needed for a complete male eyebrow reconstruction and 100 to 150 grafts with 150 to 200 hairs were needed for a complete female eyebrow reconstruction. The maximal hair density was 91.5 hairs/cm per session. Over a 6-month follow-up period, the mean graft survival rate reached 98.1 percent. All of the patients achieved satisfactory results, with a very natural appearance. These results indicate that the above-mentioned technique could be a practical, effective, and probably ideal method for cicatricial eyebrow reconstruction.

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