
AbstractThe cicada fauna from Portugal is reviewed, as a result of a joint Portuguese-French project. Thirteen species are reported (Lyristes plebejus, Cicada orni, Cicada barbara lusitanica, Tibicina tomentosa, Tibicina quadrisignata, Tibicina garricola, Melampsalta varipes, Tympanistalna gastrica, Euryphara contentei, Tettigetta argentata, Tettigetta estrellae, Tettigetta josei, Tettigetta mariae), while five taxa which were previously referred to in the literature, have not been found (Tibicina corsica fairmairei, Tibicina haematodes, Tibicina nigronervosa, Cicadetta flaveola, Cicadivetta tibialis). Based on morphological and acoustic features, the following synonymies are established: Tettigetta argentata (Olivier, 1790) = Tettigetta atra (Gomez-Menor, 1957) n. syn. and Tettigetta estrellae Boulard, 1982 = Tettigetta septempulsata Boulard & Quartau, 1991 n. syn. Data on time of emergence, geographical distribution, habitat occupation and acoustic calling behaviour are given for each species.

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