
This article analyzes the use of digital platforms by groups and women who focus their work on the dissemination of the naturalization and depathologization of the female body and the menstrual cycle. This proposal of cyber-activism poses among its objectives the questioning of the blood taboo in order to transform the menstrual experience of young and adult women. Promote the use of ecological technologies and propose ways of corporal appropriation through feminine representations linked to a feminized notion of the sacred, a question that characterizes the female spirituality of alternative bases and ecofeminism in its symbolic constructions. Through digital ethnography and multisite ethnography, this article analyzes the ways in which menstrual cyber-activism is configured from the social networks, the symbols, discourses and narratives that these groups and profiles use to achieve their objectives, as well as the interweaving of feminist, ecofeminist and spiritual discourses on corporal appropriation, self-knowledge and self-care.

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