
The main intention of my text is to describe the specific of the somatic turn of cultural studies and, to follow Chris Barker’s proposition, “the desire to understand the ways in which the body becomes the object of shaping and disciplining by social and cultural forces – i.e. how the body acquires meaning in contemporary culture”. The above problem provokes the consideration of the mutual relationships between the culture of late modernity and the category of identity (especially the body in the process of identity construction). The goal outlined in this way aims to present contexts and space for the manifestation of the issues of the body in contemporary culture, The aim of the proposed deliberations is to present the problem of the body from the perspective of reflexive identity (A. Giddens), constructivism perspective (Z. Melosik, A. Gromkowska, M. Bogunia-Borowska), in selected therapeutic systems (J. Kabat-Zinn, A. Lowen, S.&C. Block) and in the final section I present the category of the body in the integral approach to development (K. Wilber). Also, I shortly summarize my analysis and I point to the dangers of the presented approaches especially in the dominant instant culture practices.

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