
Churches, Communities and Children: Italian Immigrants in Archdio cese of New York, 1880-1945. By Mary Elizabeth Brown. (Staten Island, New York: Center for Migration Studies. 1995. Pp. vi, 219. Paperback.) Italian mass migration to United States began in earnest during decade following Risorgimento and political unification of Italian Peninsula. General political confusion, plummeting economy, increased taxation, a burgeoning military establishment and extended mandatory service, as well as a government that encouraged and, in some instances, forced emigration, all contributed to massive movement of poor from various provinces, cities, and towns of Italy to Americas from 1880's to first decades of present century. New York City, even then symbol of American economic and political prosperity, became goal and dreamed-for haven for millions of dispossessed, especially after opening of Ellis Island. The largest single religious group represented during these years among arriving immigrants was Roman Catholic, at least in name; largest single national group among these was Italian. They were also neediest, the most pitiable, as Archbishop Corrigan once described them, with no single language, only various dialects, no national identity, only loyalty to local town or province of birth, and a strong mutual disdain between those hailing from Northern and Southern Italy. Many were mere slave labor, indentured to padroni who had paid their passage to America in return for years of servitude. The Archdiocese of New York found itself host to hundreds of thousands of newly arrived Roman Catholics, among whom were Italians, most in need of every imaginable form of assistance, not least of which was spiritual guidance and comfort of their Church. Mary Elizabeth Brown's book describes Church's response and pastoral plan for Italians living within Archdiocese of New York from 1880 until eve of Vatican Council II. Beginning with administration of John Cardinal McCloskey, during which time number of Italian immigrants arriving in New York began to rise, Brown continues in detail her study through 1945, during rule of Francis Cardinal Spellman. She then paints a general view of Italians up until council. She traces life of Italian Catholics in New York and Church's response to them and their needs throughout these years. …

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