
List of illustrations Acknowledgements List of abbreviations Genealogical tables Introduction Part I. Preparation for Power: Soderini's Florentine Background and Early Career: 1. Soderini's early years 2. Soderini as a servant of the Florentine state Part II. The Cardinal as a Political Force, 1503-1513: 3. Soderini's elevation to the cardinalate 4. The Renaissance cardinalate and the concept of the political cardinal 5. A principal or a supporting role in Florentine politics? 6. Relations and rivalry between the Soderini and the Medici 7. The Soderini and the kings of France Part III. New Times and Challenging Circumstances, 1513-1524: 8. The fortunes of the Soderini and family strategy in relation to Florentine, the Medici and France, 1513-17 9. The 'conspiracy' of 1517 10. Soderini as a disaffected cardinal in exile, 1517-21 11. Soderini opposition to the Medici in Florence and Rome, 1521-3 12. The 'conspiracy' of 1523 and its aftermath 13. Soderini's last days Part IV. The Lifestyle of the Renaissance Cardinal: 14. Official duties in the curia: the conciliar, the ceremonial, the social 15. Soderini's ecclesiastical career: the accumulation and deployment of bishoprics and benefices 16. Palaces and other property 17. Private and personal possessions 18. Household and entourage 19. Financial resources: wealth, income, credit, loans and pawn 20. Intellectual life and the influence of humanism 21. In praise of Francesco Soderini: Battista Casali's funeral oration of 1524 Excursus: the portraits of Piero and Francesco Soderini Bibliography Index.

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