
The article represents the Sentiment Analysis (SA) and Tense Classification using Skip gram model for the word to vector encoding on Nepali language. The experiment on SA for positive-negative classification is carried out in two ways. In the first experiment the vector representation of each sentence is generated by using Skip-gram model followed by the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) classification and it is observed that the F1 score of 0.6486 is achieved for positive-negative classification with overall accuracy of 68%. Whereas in the second experiment the verb chunks are extracted using Nepali parser and carried out the similar experiment on the verb chunks. F1 scores of 0.6779 is observed for positive -negative classification with overall accuracy of 85%. Hence, Chunker based sentiment analysis is proven to be better than sentiment analysis using sentences. This paper also proposes using a skip-gram model to identify the tenses of Nepali sentences and verbs. In the third experiment, the vector representation of each sentence is generated by using Skip-gram model followed by the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)classification and it is observed that verb chunks had very low overall accuracy of 53%. In the fourth experiment, conducted for Tense Classification using Sentences resulted in improved efficiency with overall accuracy of 89%. Past tenses were identified and classified more accurately than other tenses. Hence, sentence based tense classification is proven to be better than verb Chunker based sentiment analysis.

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