
Chronotropic and inotropic effects of histamine were examined in isolated atrial and ventricular preparations from embryonic and hatched chicken hearts. Histamine produced positive chronotropic and inotropic responses both in embryonic and hatched hearts. The responses to histamine in middle embryonic myocardia, which were observed in the micromolar range, were antagonized by H2 antagonists but not by H1, H3 antagonists and propranolol. Isobutyl-methylxantine, an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase, produced a leftward shift of the concentration-response curve for the chronotropic effect of histamine in the embryo. The responses to histamine in myocardia from hatched chicks, which were observed in the milimolar range, appeared concurrently with the responses to tyramine during development and were antagonized by beta adrenoceptor antagonists but not by any of the histamine antagonists. The positive inotropic response to histamine in hatched ventricular preparations were greatly attenuated by reserpine pretreatment or in the presence of desipramine. Thus, we demonstrated that exogenously applied histamine produces positive chronotropic and inotropic responses in developing chicken hearts and that the mechanisms are different between embryonic and hatched chicks: direct action on H2 receptors in the embryonic heart and release of norepinephrine from sympathetic nerve terminals in hatched hearts.

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