
The Chronicles of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (Tentara Nasional Indonesia/TNI) can be traced back to its history, starting from the Pre-Proclamation Period, the Old Order (Orde Lama), the New Order (Orde Baru), and the Reformation. The influence of the armed forces in each era has its own characteristics in accordance with the pattern of leadership in its era. This study aims to find out the traces of the TNI's movement in Indonesian politics. The search was carried out using the literature review method with the aim of looking at the role of the TNI in national politics and the suitability of the TNI's participation in the practical political arena in Indonesia. The role and progress of the TNI in Indonesian politics cannot be separated from changes in the mindset of leaders and society as well as technological developments that occur from time to time. The transformation of the TNI's contribution, which was initially able to influence the economic, social and cultural sectors, has narrowed and is focused on the field of national defense. The results of the study also show that there has been a change in the political behavior of the TNI which tends to be neutral and focuses more on national defense.

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