
To investigate the magnetic resonance (MR) imaging appearance of a chronically stressed wrist and to assess the utility of MR imaging for evaluation of injuries to the growth plate. Coronal T1-weighted spin-echo and gradient-echo MR images were obtained of 93 wrists in 47 high-risk gymnasts of a Chinese opera school. MR imaging and radiographic findings were correlated in 93 wrists. The major MR imaging abnormalities of 47 radii with abnormal radiographic findings were horizontal fractures (n = 23), physeal cartilage extension to metaphysis (n = 17), and physeal widening (n = 17). The major MR abnormalities of 46 radii with normal radiographs included physeal cartilage extension (n = 12), metaphyseal bone bruise (n = 8), and vertical fractures (n = 4). Physeal cartilage extension into the metaphysis represents a healing sign in chronically stressed adolescent wrists. MR imaging findings including horizontal fracture and physeal cartilage extension to the metaphysis suggest that physeal widening occurred secondary to metaphyseal injury.

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