
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of job exposure and its duration on chronic respiratory symptoms and ventilatory capacity among agricultural workers.METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional study including 120 agricultural workers aged 36 to 53 years, compared to an equal number of office workers matched by age, duration of workplace exposure and smoking status. A questionnaire was used to record the chronic respiratory symptoms, detailed job history, specific job activities and tasks performed, and smoking history. Evaluation of examined subjects also included functional lung testing by spirometry.RESULTS: We found non-significantly higher prevalence of respiratory symptoms in the last 12 months in agricultural workers with significant difference for cough (P = 0.044), and wheezing (P = 0.031). Mean values of all spirometric parameters were lower in agricultural workers, being significantly different for MEF50 (P = 0.001) and MEF75 (P = 0.000). Adverse respiratory effects and lung function deterioration were more expressed in agricultural workers with duration of job exposure more than 20 years than in those exposed less than 20 years.CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that workplace exposure in agricultural workers may lead to respiratory impairment which is close related to its duration.

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