
To evaluate the prevalence of chronic polyarthritis in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) and to describe the manifestations, treatments, and outcomes in these patients. From January 1983 to July 2010, 5419 patients were followed up at the Pediatric Rheumatology Unit of the University Hospital and 271 (5%) of them had JSLE (American College of Rheumatology [ACR] criteria). 'Rhupus' was classified as the overlap of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (International League of Associations for Rheumatology [ILAR] criteria) and JSLE. We evaluated demographic data, polyarthritis and other clinical manifestations, disease activity and damage, laboratory exams, radiographic findings, treatments, and outcomes. The prevalence of chronic polyarthritis in this JSLE population was 2.6% (7/271). This articular involvement was the initial manifestation in all seven JSLE patients. The median duration of chronic polyarthritis was 11 months (range 2-15 months). Interestingly, rhupus with chronic polyarthritis and limitation of movement, presence of rheumatoid factor, autoantibodies, and/or radiographic abnormalities (juxtaarticular osteopenia, joint-space narrowing, or erosions) was evidenced in three patients. No patient had deformities of hands and feet associated with Jaccoud's arthropathy or osteonecrosis. All patients were treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, naproxen 10-15 mg/kg/day) when polyarthritis diagnosis was established. Prednisone and antimalarials were administered at JSLE diagnosis. The three non-responsive rhupus patients were treated in conjunction with immunosuppressive drugs (methotrexate, azathioprine, and/or cyclosporine). Chronic polyarthritis was a rare lupus manifestation in active pediatric patients. The interesting overlap between chronic arthritis and lupus, called rhupus suggests a new entity with a different clinical profile and a poor response to treatment with NSAIDs alone. In addition, the occurrence of this association in JSLE patients could be classified as a clinical sub-group of JSLE with possible specific genetic determinants.

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