
Chronic lead (Pb) exposure affects the circadian physiological processes regulated by suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which is synchronized (entrainment) by light. Disorders in the entrainment capacity of an organism alter its performance to interact with the environment, thus affecting its health status. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate whether chronic early Pb exposure affects the entrainment of the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity by light and to explore the possible mechanisms involved. Adult male Wistar rats, control and chronically exposed to Pb (320 ppm) in drinking water from gestation to adult age, were used. Assessment of the metal level showed a significant increase of Pb in the blood, hypothalamus and prefrontal cortex of the experimental rats. Continuous registrations of locomotor activity (12 h:12 h light-dark cycle) depicted that Pb induces important delay of this activity when the light was turned off. The Pb exposed animals entrained faster with a photoperiod delay of 6 h, (lights on at 13:00 h), and maintained the significant delay in the onset of activity at lights out. In continuous darkness, the animals were exposed to a light pulse at circadian time 23. This resulted in a significant decrease of photo-stimulated neurons (immunoreactivity to c-Fos) in the SCN of the metal-exposed animals. These results show that chronic early Pb exposure alters the photic entrainment of the rhythm of locomotor activity, which is evidenced by a significant decrease in both the number of photo-stimulated neurons and neuronal population (Nissl stain) of the SCN.

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