
Chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology: the tip of the iceberg?


  • Chronic kidney disease of unknown origin (CKDu) is a leading public health concern in Sri Lanka

  • 'HVLJQDWHGSDWLHQW7ZDVGHWHFWHGWRKDYHKLJK BP as well as a history of headaches for four years, and he was referred immediately to the nearest GLYLVLRQDO KRVSLWDO 7KDPPDQDZD +RVSLWDO 7KLV. Patient reported that he had sought medical care for an upper respiratory tract infection from a general practitioner two weeks prior to participating in our screening program, but his BP was not measured at that time. His BP was found to be normal a year before during a primary care consultation for a respiratory condition

  • Despite having a comprehensive community based CKD awareness and a screening program in disease endemic regions, asymptomatic patients with severe renal impairment may not always be GLVFRYHUHG7KLVLVHVSHFLDOO\WUXHIRUPDOHIDUPHUV who apparently are not willing to participate in screening programs, unless they are symptomatic

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Chronic kidney disease of unknown origin (CKDu) is a leading public health concern in Sri Lanka. $OO ¿YH SDWLHQWV KDG QHYHU EHHQ VFUHHQHG IRU CKD, despite three of them having had CKD DIIHFWHG IDPLO\ PHPEHUV 7DEOH $OO SDWLHQWV were farmers and three of them were in their 40s. 'HVLJQDWHGSDWLHQW7ZDVGHWHFWHGWRKDYHKLJK BP as well as a history of headaches for four years, and he was referred immediately to the nearest GLYLVLRQDO KRVSLWDO 7KDPPDQDZD +RVSLWDO 7KLV

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