
Chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology [CKDu] is a condition characterized by decline in kidney function and is not associated with diabetic nephropathy or hypertensive nephropathy. In this review, we have done a detailed literature analysis on CKDu in India, and then had a comparison with that of Mesoamerica and Sri Lanka. In India, CKDu became the second most common type of CKD after diabetic nephropathy. Silica was seen in the groundwater of both India and Sri Lanka, whereas in Mesoamerica silica exposure through particulate matter was seen among CKDu communities. DDE is a common agrochemical seen in both India and Sri Lanka. The risk factors vary from region to region and it is important to categorize CKDu population based on the risk factors to avoid misinterpretation of the condition as non-CKDu category and to evade further complications. More studies have to be conducted to reveal the detailed pathophysiological mechanisms and its relation with irrational exploitation of environmental resources.

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