
A 55-year-old woman, suffered from severe pain in her mandibular jaw for several years. A metallic artifact of about 23 mm was detected by a panorama radiography in an edentulous region with a surrounding inflammation in close contact to the canal of the mandibular nerve. Inflammated tissue with the central metallic inclusion was removed from the bone under local anesthesia and operation. Postoperatively, pain and missensitivity disappeared within 1 week. Although the patient had no macroscopically visible so-called amalgam tattoo, the metallic cube was identified as amalgam by the detection of mercury, silver, tin, copper, and zinc using energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Nevertheless, brown to black pigments in the connective tissue matrix and inside histiocytes, fibroblasts, and multinucleated foreign giant cells of the surrounding inflammatory tissue were observed by light and electron microscopy. However, the elemental analysis by EDX in SEM or by electron energy loss spectroscopy in transmission electron microscope detected only silver, tin, and sulfur but no mercury in these precipitates and in the residual bodies of phagocytes. The presented case demonstrates a seldom complication of amalgam deposition in the tissue. The authors assume that the chronic pain results from a forgotten amalgam filling inside an alveole after extraction of a molar tooth, causing a chronic inflammation by resolving mercury and other toxic elements out of the metallic artifact.

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