
We have examined the effect of ethanol administration on receptor-mediated endocytosis of asialo-orosomucoid by isolated hepatocytes. Significantly less ligand was bound, internalized, and degraded by hepatocytes isolated from rats fed an ethanol diet for 5-7 weeks than by cells isolated from chow-fed or pair-fed controls. Reduced binding was shown to be primarily due to a decreased number of cell surface receptors rather than to a lowered affinity of the receptor for its ligand. This reduction in cell surface receptors resulted in a marked inhibition of internalization and degradation of ligand by hepatocytes from the ethanol-fed rats. In addition, a defect in the initial stages of receptor-ligand internalization was also indicated, since less surface-bound ligand was internalized and subsequently degraded in cells from the ethanol-treated animals as compared to controls. Rates of internalization and degradation of internalized ligand were, however, similar for all three groups, suggesting that neither degradation per se nor rate of delivery of internalized ligand to the lysosomes was affected by ethanol feeding. Receptor recycling was impaired in ethanol-fed rats, as indicated by a decrease in the binding site number after stimulation of endocytosis for 120 min when compared to initial binding capacity. Receptor recycling was not impaired in hepatocytes from control animals. These results indicate that chronic ethanol feeding impairs the process of receptor-mediated endocytosis by the liver; the major cause of this impairment appears to be due to a decreased number of cell surface asialoglycoprotein receptors in the ethanol-fed animals, along with a decreased ability of these cells to internalize all of the surface-bound ligand.


  • We have examined the effecot f ethanol administra- recycled back to the plasma membrane [8, 9]

  • 1).These data indicate that chronic ethanol administration

  • Initial Cell Characterization-Hepatocytesisolatedfrom alters the binding propertoief shepatocytes by either lowering chow-fed, pair-fed, and ethanol-fed rats were initially char- the actual numbeorf binding sitesfor the asialo-orosomucoid acterized by determining cell number/g of cells, or by modifying the affinityof the receptorfor its ligand

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Vol 262, No 6,Issue of February 25, pp. 2704-2710,1987 Printed in U.S.A. Chronic Ethanol AdministrationImpairs the Binding and Endocytosis of Asialo-orosomucoid in Isolated Hepatocytes*. Tor-ligand internalization was indicated, slienscse of ethanol-treated rats [11,12,13] In these studies, we demonsurface-boundligandwasinternalizedandsubsestrated that ethanol treatment interfered with the final stages quently degraded in cells from the ethanol-treated an-of the secretory and plasma membrane assembly pathways, imals as compared to controls. Receptor recycling was impaired in ethanol-fed rats, as indicatedby a decrease in the binding site assembly pathways [14],the effects of chronic ethanol administration on receptor-mediated endocytosis in the liver were number after stimulation of endocytosis for 120 min studied. Internalization, anddegradation of asialoglyrecycling wasnot impairedin hepatocytes from control coprotein, asialo-orosomucoid, as well as the effects on the animals These results indicate that chronic ethanol recycling of the asialoglycoprotein receptor. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges

Apparent low affinitf
Chow fed Pair fed Ethanol fed
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