
The objective: to determine the significance of chronic cor pulmonale (CCP) as a cause of death in pulmonary tuberculosis patients.Subjects and Methods. Out of 194 autopsies of tuberculosis patients who died in Hospital no. 1 of Ulyanovsk Regional Clinical TB Dispensary in 2017-2020, autopsy reports of 87 patients with pathomorphological signs of chronic cor pulmonale were selected. The nature and prevalence of pathomorphological manifestations of tuberculosis and the causes of deaths were analyzed. Statistical analysis of the results was performed using the STATISTICA-10. The significance of differences in the frequency of events was determined using the χ2 criterion in a four-field 2х2 table.Results. Chronic cor pulmonale was confirmed pathomorphologically in 44.8% of deceased pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Chronic cor pulmonale was diagnosed in 67.8% of patients in their lifetime, and in 32.2%, it was diagnosed post mortem. Of 87 deceased patients with pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by chronic cor pulmonale, 28.7% had fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, 26.4% had infiltrative form and 44.9% had disseminated form of the disease. Decompensated chronic cor pulmonale leading to death was detected in 42.5% of the deceased, and it was predominant in the structure of causes of death in fibrous cavernous tuberculosis (84%), and this pathology was also found in the patients with infiltrative (52.5%) and disseminated (10.3%) pulmonary tuberculosis.

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