
Aims: To investigate magnetic reconnection rates during the coalescence of two current loops in the solar chromosphere, by altering the neutral-hydrogen to proton density ratio, ioniziation/recombination coefficients, collision frequency and relative helicity of the loops. Methods: 2.5D numerical simulations of the chromosphere were conducted using a newly developed two-fluid (ion-neutral) numerical code. Developed from the Artificial Wind scheme, the numerical code includes the effects of ion-neutral collisions, ionization/recombination, thermal/resistive diffusivity and collisional/resistive heating. Results: It was found that the rates of magnetic reconnection strongly depend on the neutral-hydrogen to proton density ratio; increasing the density ratio by a thousand-fold decreased the rate of magnetic reconnection by twenty-fold. This result implies that magnetic reconnection proceeds significantly faster in the upper chromosphere, where the density of ions (protons) and neutral-hydrogen is comparable, than in the lower chromosphere where the density of neutral-hydrogen is over a thousand times the ion density. The inclusion of ionization/recombination, an important physics effect in the chromosphere, increases the total reconnected magnetic flux, but does not alter the rate of magnetic reconnection. Reductions in the ion-neutral collision frequency, result in small increases to the rates of magnetic reconnection. The relative helicity of the two current loops was not observed to have any significant effect on the rates of magnetic reconnection. Conclusions: The magnetic reconnection rates of coalescing current loops are strongly affected by the inclusion of neutral-hydrogen particles.

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