
The heating of the chromosphere in internetwork regions remains one of the foremost open questions in solar physics. In the present study, we tackle this old problem by using a very-high-spatial-resolution simulation of quiet-Sun conditions performed with radiative MHD numerical models and interface region imaging spectrograph (IRIS) observations. We have expanded a previously existing 3D radiative MHD numerical model of the solar atmosphere, which included self-consistently locally driven magnetic amplification in the chromosphere, by adding ambipolar diffusion and time-dependent nonequilibrium hydrogen ionization to the model. The energy of the magnetic field is dissipated in the upper chromosphere, providing a large temperature increase due to ambipolar diffusion and nonequilibrium ionization (NEQI). At the same time, we find that adding the ambipolar diffusion and NEQI in the simulation has a minor impact on the local growth of the magnetic field in the lower chromosphere and its dynamics. Our comparison between synthesized Mg ii profiles from these high-spatial-resolution models, with and without ambipolar diffusion and NEQI, and quiet-Sun and coronal hole observations from IRIS now reveal a slightly better correspondence. The intensity of profiles is increased, and the line cores are slightly broader when ambipolar diffusion and NEQI effects are included. Therefore, the Mg ii profiles are closer to those observed than in previous models, though some differences still remain.

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