
Three populations of the grasshopper Trimerotropis pallidipennis from southern Argentina have been studied cytologically. A very characteristic B-chromosome was found in all three. They also showed geographical variability in respect of the presence of pericentric inversions, and the inversion system was found to influence chiasma frequency. The Laguna Blanca population, which is on the hypothetical pathway the species is believed to have followed during its migration from northern to southern latitudes, has the same karyotype composition as the N. American form, with fixed inversions in the 3 largest autosomes and the X-chromosome. Its members have a high total chiasma frequency and a great number of interstitial chiasmata. The Sierra de la Ventana population, situated at the absolute eastern border of the species distribution is highly polymorphic with respect to the presence of inversions in the medium chromosomes. Its members have the lowest total chiasma frequency and a greatly reduced number of interstitial chiasmata. Situated geographically between the other two, the Choele-Choel population has the highest frequency of inversions and many of them are homozygous. Its members have a higher total chiasma frequency than that observed in specimens from Sierra de la Ventana, and a greatly reduced number of interstitial chiasmata, similar to that observed in individuals from the latter population.

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