
Chromosome pairing and chiasma formation were studied in natural and induced tetraploids (2n = 28) of Lathyrus odoratus (induced), Lathyrus pratensis (natural and induced), Lathyrus sativus (induced), and Lathyrus venosus (natural), as well as in triploids of L. pratensis and diploids of L. odoratus, L. pratensis, and L. sativus. All natural tetraploids appeared to be autotetraploids and their meiotic metaphase I behaviour was very similar to that of the induced autotetraploids, with average numbers of pairing partner switches exceeding 4 or even 5. Multivalent frequencies were high, but the numbers of chiasmata were not much higher than necessary to maintain the configurations. Interstitial chiasmata were common, but not predominant. Fertility was reduced, but sufficient for predominantly vegetatively reproducing species. The triploids of L. pratensis had an even higher multivalent frequency than the tetraploids, but still produced some viable progeny at or close to the tetraploid level, suggesting that in mixed populations of diploids and tetraploids, triploids can contribute to gene flow between the ploidy levels. There was no significant correlation between chiasma frequency and ring bivalent frequency in the diploids and multivalent frequency in the corresponding tetraploids. In the tetraploids, chiasma frequency and multivalent frequency were negatively correlated.

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