
Chromosome numbers for 111 species of North American Odonata are reported. In five species, Enallagma cyathigerum (Charp.), Ophiogomphus bison Sclys, Dorocordulia iibera (Selys), Epitheca cynosura (Say), and Leucorrhinia frigida Hagen, primary spermatocytes from single individuals had different chromosome numbers. This is presumed to arise from either fusion or "splitting" of chromosomes. Fusion in D. libera, E. cynosura and L. frigida results in reduction of chromosome number, and "splitting" in E. cyathigerum and O. bison gives higher chromosome numbers.The idea that high chromosome numbers in Odonata are primitive is rejected. An alternative hypothesis is proposed: that low numbers are primitive (or secondarily derived) and high numbers advanced.

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