
The cytology of ascus development in Nectria cinnabarina was investigated with the orceinsmear technique, from crozier formation to ascospore maturation. At prophase I synapsis occurs while the chromosomes are still contracted, and the nucleus passes through dictyotene, a diffuse stage rarely seen in plants. A haploid complement of five chromosomes has been precisely determined. The first two divisions in the ascus constitute meiosis, and the third (mitotic) is followed by ascospore delimitation. A fourth division takes place in the ascospore, which is subsequently divided by a septum into two uninucleate cells. Of all species of Nectria thus far investigated N. cinnabarina is the only species in which additional nuclear divisions in the ascus do occur, accounting for the multinucleate condition in the ascospore cells. The bearing that this distinctive nuclear condition has on phylogeny and evolution in the Hypocreales is discussed.

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