
Summary Chromosome numbers were counted in root tip cells of 6 cyperaceous species growingin wetlands in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. The results were as follows: Cyperus haspan , 2 n 26; Eleocharis dulcis , 2 n ca. 212; Eleocharis spiralisFimbristylis ferruginea , 2 n 42; , 2 n 20; Fimbristylis polytrichoides , 2 Lepironia articulatan 10; , 2 n 34. They were reported here for thefirst time using plant materials from Vietnam. Furthermore, the results of 2 species, Eleocharisspiralis and Lepironia articulata , were the first to be reported for these species. In addition, thedimorphism of Eleocharis dulcis shoots representing emerged and submerged culms was recorded. Key words Aquatic plants, Chromosome number, Cyperaceae, Diffuse centromere, Mapanioideae,Vietnam. The Cyperaceae is a large cosmopolitan family comprising 104 genera and over 5,000 species(Goetghebeur 1998) and shows intriguing cytological characteristics such as diffuse centromeres,post-reductinal meiosis and agmatoploidy (Greilhuber 1995, Hipp

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