
The chromosome associations of amphidiploids of I. laevigata × I. ensata were analysed and compared with those of the parental species and F1 hybrids of I. laevigata × I. ensata. The F1 hybrids showed partial chromosome associations. Their mean chromosome association per cell was 20.73I+3.63II, although the mean chromosome association per cell in the parental species was 0.09I+15.96II for I. laevigata and 0.03I+11.98II for I. ensata, respecively. In contrast, the normal association (28II) was partially restored in the amphidiploids. Their mean chromosome association per cell was 1.93I+26.48II+0.28III+0.03IV+0.03V. In this study, moreover, the crossability between I. ensata (2X and 4X) and the amphidiploids and between I. laevigata and the amphiliploids was examined. No hybrid plants were obtained from both reciprocal crosses between I. ensata (2X) and the amphidiploids and between I. laevigata and the amphidiploids. Only the cross of I. ensata (4X) × the amphidiploids in the reciprocal crosses produced hybrid plants. The observation of their somatic chromosome numbers indicates that these are true hybrid plants between autotetraploid I. ensata and the amphidiploids, and such plants can be called autoallotetraploids between I. ensata and I. laevigata. The interspecific cross-breeding of I. ensata using the autoallotetraploids is discussed.

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