
This article discusses the regulatory fallout for the suddenly high‐profile inorganic contaminant chromium VI, resulting from the popular movie “Erin Brockovich.” Total Chromium was long regulated at 50 ug/L by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and states until USEPA in 1991 set a maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) of 100 ug/L and an MCL to match. When the USEPA set its total chromium MCLG 10 years ago, it rejected public comments claiming ingested chromium VI is carcinogenic and therefore should have its MCLG set at zero. The agency determined that because humans detoxify ingested chromium VI, it only presents a risk of noncancer endpoints if it is ingested at levels high enough to saturate the body's normal detoxification mechanisms.

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