
DNA supercoiling on the nucleosome was investigated by relaxing with topoisomerase I mono- and dinucleosomes reconstituted on small DNA rings. Besides 359 base-pair (bp) rings whose linking differences were integers, two additional series of rings with fractional differences, 341 and 354 bp in size, were used. Mononucleosomes reconstituted on 359 bp rings were found to relax into a single mononucleosome form. In contrast, 341 and 354 bp mononucleosomes relaxed into a mixture of two forms, corresponding to two adjacent topoisomers. The observation that the ratio between these two forms was, within each ring series, virtually independent of the initial linking number of the topoisomer used for the reconstitution suggested that each partition reflected an equilibrium. Comparison with the equilibria observed for the same rings in the absence of histones showed that the formation of a single nucleosome is associated with a linking number change of − 1.1(± 0.1) turn. Dinucleosomes, in contrast, were not relaxed to completion and do not reach equilibria. The corresponding linking number change per nucleosome was, however, estimated to be similar to the above figure, in agreement with previous data from the literature obtained with circular chromatins containing larger numbers of nucleosomes. DNA structure in mononucleosomes was subsequently investigated by means of high-resolution electron microscopy and gel electrophoresis. It was found that the above linking number reduction could be ascribed to a particle with a large open extranucleosomal DNA loop and with no more than 1.5 turns of a superhelix around the histone core. A theoretical model of a nucleosome on a small ring was constructed in which one part of the DNA was wrapped around a cylinder and the other part was free to vary both in torsion and flexion. The linking number reduction predicted was found to be most consistent with experimental data when the twist of the DNA in the superhelix was between 10.5 and 10.65 bp per turn, suggesting that wrapping on the nucleosome does not alter the twist of the DNA significantly. A lower estimate of the linking number reduction associated with a two-turn nucleosome was also derived, based on an analysis of recent data obtained upon treatment of reconstituted minichromosomes with gyrase. The value, 1.6 turns, set a lower limit of 10.44 bp per turn for the twist of nucleosomal DNA, in agreement with the above estimate. Reasons for the discrepancy between these results and the sequence periodicity of 10.2 bp recently found for nucleosomal DNA are discussed in terms of the different reference frames, absolute and local, respectively used for the two measurements.

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