
This paper begins with an exposition of the author's research on the category of BP_*BP-comodules, much of which is joint with Neil Strickland. The main result of that work is that the category of E(n)_*E(n)-comodules is equivalent to a localization of the category of BP_*BP-comodules (the localization is L_n, analogous to the topological L_n). The main new result in this paper is that, analogously, the stable homotopy category of E(n)_*E(n)-comodules is equivalent to a localization (the finite localization L_n^f this time, not L_n) of the stable homotopy category of BP_*BP-comodules. These stable homotopy categories were constructed in previous work of the author, and are supposed to model stable homotopy theory; it is like stable homotopy theory where there are no differentials in the Adams-Novikov spectral sequence. Our result embeds the Miller-Ravenel and Hovey-Sadofsky change of rings theorems as special cases of more general isomorphisms.

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