
The Christian faith is founded on the principle that human life is sacred, a gift from God, the Heavenly Father. Christians live to love and glorify God. Throughout life, they witness a myriad of life events covering the spectrum from euphoric highs to devastating lows. Be it joy or sorrow, faith in God, having been established through a personal relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth as Savior and Lord, sustains and guides every step. The end of life is the closing earthly chapter, often shared with family members, a chaplain, parish pastor, or another spiritual care provider assisting the dying Christian with compassionate and significant conversations. It is a time to complete preparations for the final journey every Christian takes from this life into the glorious eternal life prepared in heaven with God the Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ the Savior, family, and friends who have gone before. This chapter examines various rituals and practices of the Christian faith observed during the end of life, legacy or life review, funeral practices, burial rituals following death, beliefs about the afterlife that inspire and inform the great hopes of Christian living, and bereavement support for grieving.

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