
The expansion of Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa is an integral part of the shift to the Global South and Pentecostal Christianity is the most dynamic brand in this process of expansion. This chapter examines the core tenets of African Pentecostalism, accounting for its evolution and flourishing, and its consequences on cultural and social institutions of the continent, amidst the struggle for a more just and fair society. The chapter asserts that while Pentecostal Christianity is making immense contribution in Africa in an era essentially characterized by the hegemony of neoliberal globalization, the church situates itself within, not outside, the current dominant system. In taking this position, the movement has constrained itself in terms of its otherwise great potential for positively transforming African societies in a holistic manner. Instead, its vision is often far more associated with the mundane values of material prosperity and uneven capitalist accumulation rather than the struggle against social injustice and the widening gap between the rich and the poor. The chapter concludes with the hope of a new generation of Pentecostal leaders who would not only preach about demonology (whatever it is!), prosperity, salvation, and miracles, but also rigorously engage in the existential challenges and problems that Africa faces, and doing all of these in faith, humility and love based on God’s common grace for all humanity.

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