
Of an irreducible antagonism, both states, heaven and hell, are eternal. Our earthly life, of faith and communion with the Heavenly Father or of faithlessness and noncommunion with God, is extended in the eternity. Our reaching the heaven or the hell is the natural and logical consequence of our actions and not the result of an arbitrary judgment of God. If our paradisiacal life means walking towards perfection and then a continuous progress, a continuous enlightenment of rational creatures as theomorphs, once you reach the end, the lives existing in hell go the completely opposite direction. For demons coexisting with God is impossible; they do not match Him, in other words, they cannot see His uncreated glory. The hell is the stillness in a state of separation and hatred of God, due to sin, which is the disunion. The eternal damnation resembles an endless nightmare and consists in: taking distance from God, feeling remorseful, weeping and gnashing of teeth, tortures which will last day and night to all eternity.

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