
Functional hypothalamic amenorrhea (FHA) is characterized by an estrogen deficiency which in turn can cause vascular dysfunction. The aim of this study is to evaluate any changes in the chorio-retinal circulation in patients affected by FHA. 24 patients with FHA and 24 age-matched controls underwent a gynecological evaluation and an OCT angiography (OCTA) to study chorio-retinal vascularization. OCTA in FHA patients showed an increase in vessel density in the choriocapillaris (CC) layer (both in the fovea area, at 5% p value = 0.037 and in the whole area, at 5% p value = 0.028) and an increase in vascular density in the deep fovea (DVP) (at 10% p value = 0.096) in the whole district compared to controls. Simple linear regressions show a significant negative association between CC vessel density and insulin (p = 0.0002) and glucose values (p = 0.0335) for the fovea district and a negative association between DVP vessel density and endometrial thickness (at 10%, p value: 0.095) in the whole district. Our study shows that CC vessel density is increased in women affected by FHA. This could represent a compensation effort to supply the vascular dysfunction caused by estrogen deficiency. We also found an increasing trend in vascular density in DVP associated with the decrease of endometrial thickness, an indirect sign of estrogenization. Considering that these changes occur in absence of visual defects, they could be used as a biomarker to estimate hypoestrogenism-induced microcirculation changes before clinical appearance.

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