
The original descriptions of chorea date from the Middle Ages, when an epidemic of ‘‘dancing mania’’ swept throughout Europe. The condition was initially considered a curse sent by a saint, but was named ‘‘Saint Vitus’s dance’’ because afflicted individuals were cured if they touched churches storing Saint Vitus’s relics. Paracelsus coined the term chorea Sancti Viti and recognized different forms of chorea (imaginativa, lasciva, and naturalis). In the 17th century, Thomas Sydenham provided an accurate description of what he termed chorea minor. He also described rheumatic fever but did not associate it with chorea. It was only in 1850 that See established a relationship between chorea and rheumatic disease. A connection with cardiac involvement was soon recognized and in 1866 Roger postulated that chorea, arthritis, and heart disease had a common cause. The last quarter of the 19th century is marked by the works of Jean-Martin Charcot, Silas Weir Mitchell, William Osler, and William Richard Gowers, all of paramount importance in the refinement of the definition of chorea, its causes, and differential diagnosis. In 1841, Charles Oscar Waters gave a concise account of a syndrome, likely to be Huntington’s disease (HD), later described further by George Huntington and named after him. In 1955, the Venezuelan physician Americo Negrette published a book describing communities in the State of Zulia in Venezuela, with unusual numbers of individuals with chorea. Negrette’s works culminated in the creation of the Venezuela project and the subsequent discovery of seminal findings in HD. We review the historical facts and outstanding physicians that mark both HD and Sydenham’s chorea’s history in various sections.


  • The original descriptions of chorea date from the Middle Ages, when an epidemic of ‘‘dancing mania’’ swept throughout Europe

  • The reason he is associated with the dancing mania is because individuals reportedly afflicted with chorea were cured if they touched churches storing his relics.[5,6]

  • The works of Paracelsus, Thomas Sydenham, Charcot, Mitchell, Osler, Gowers, Charles Waters, George Huntington, and Americo Negrette were of paramount importance in the definition of choreas

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Thomas Sydenham and chorea

Thomas Sydenham (1624–1689) was a conscientious and keen physician interested in epidemic illnesses and known as the British Hippocrates.[13]. It passes from one position to another by a convulsive movement, much the patient may strive to the contrary Before he can raise a cup to his lips, he does make as many gesticulations as a mountebank; since he does not move it in a straight line, but has his hand drawn aside by the spasms, until by some good fortune he brings it at last to his mouth. Sydenham believed that chorea was due to ‘‘some humor falling on the nerves, and such irritation causes the spasms’’ and did not relate it to rheumatic fever.[4]

Chorea and its relationship with rheumatic disorder
Definition of chorea as a syndrome
The San Viteros
The Venezuela project and its consequences
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