
Abstract The ELECTRE III outranking model is particularly suited to aiding the choice between project alternatives on the basis of mainly environmental criteria. The model requires values of three criterion thresholds, the indifference threshold (q), the preference threshold (p) and the veto threshold (v). These allow the uncertainties inherent in the criteria valuations to be incorporated into the decision process. There is, at present, a high degree of subjectivity involved in determining these thresholds, which are expressed in terms of the error/uncertainty associated with the valuations of each of the criteria under scrutiny. If, however, the ELECTRE III outranking model is to be used within a formal environmental appraisal system, the thresholds which govern the outranking relationship of one project option over another must take account of the effect on human beings of the difference between any two criterion scores. The authors suggest a new method for applying the standard ELECTRE III model to decision-aid problems within the formal mechanism of environmental impact assessment. This involves a new, more comprehensive approach for specifying realistic limits for p, q and v, within the context of an environmental appraisal, where both criterion error/uncertainty and human sensitivity to differing levels of the criterion are taken into account. Threshold valuations for noise impacts from a highway project are used to illustrate the proposed method.

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