
The total activity of choline acetyltransferase (ChAc) in the rat extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles increased by 50 and 55%, respectively, between 3 and 9 months of age. In rats 28 to 29 months old, the activity of ChAc in EDL and soleus diminished to 41 and 40%, respectively, of the activity observed in 9-month-old animals. Age changes of ChAc activity in the diaphragm were not significant. The number of muscle fibers in EDL and soleus muscles of rats 28 to 29 months old decreased by 44 and 38% respectively, in comparison with younger animals. Mean muscle fiber diameters did not change between 3 and 9 months of age and decreased by 24, 35 and 9% in the EDL, soleus and diaphragm, respectively, in the 28- to 29-month-old rats. The activity of ChAc expressed in relation to one muscle fiber was about the same in the EDL and soleus muscles. It increased between 3 and 9 months and decreased between 9 and 28 to 29 months of age. The observation that ChAc activity per muscle fiber was identical in the fast EDL and slow soleus muscle suggests that the physiological differences between the two muscles are not caused by a difference in the capacity of their motor nerves to synthesize ACh. In the diaphragm the activity of ChAc per muscle fiber apparently did not diminish in old age. The decrease in the total ChAc activity in the limb muscles of old animals seems due both to a decrease in the number of nerve terminals in the muscles and to a decrease in the amount of enzyme present in individual terminals. We suggest that the maintenance of ChAc activity in the motor nerve terminals in the diaphragm of old rats is due to the continuous activity of this muscle and its motor nerves.

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