
Exocytosis is thought to result from the fusion of vesicle and plasma membranes caused by the formation of a trans-complex between proteins of the vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP) family on the vesicle with members of the syntaxin and synaptosomal-associated protein of 25 kd (SNAP-25) families on the plasma membrane. In the pancreatic acinar cell, synaptosomal-associated protein of 23 kd (SNAP-23) is the major SNAP-25 isoform expressed in pancreatic acinar cells, but its role in acinar cell exocytosis has not been determined. To examine the role of SNAP-23 in regulated exocytosis in acinar cells, we subcloned into adenoviral vectors SNAP-23, SNAP-25, and dominant negative mutants in which the C-terminal domains corresponding to the botulinum neurotoxin A cleavage sites are deleted. High-efficiency infection of rat pancreatic acini in culture with these adenoviruses by subcellular fractionation showed that the overexpressed SNAP-23, SNAP-25, and their truncated mutant proteins were uniformly targeted to the zymogen granules and plasma membrane. To maximally stimulate apical exocytosis from these infected acini, we used the cholecystokinin-phenylethyl ester analog (CCK-OPE), which does not show inhibition of secretion from maximal levels at high doses. CCK-OPE-stimulated amylase release from adenovirus-cytomegalovirus (AdCMV)-SNAP-23 or AdCMV-SNAP-25-infected acini to the same extent as from acini infected with the empty vector. In contrast, CCK-OPE-evoked enzyme secretion from AdCMV-SNAP-23deltaC8- and AdCMV-SNAP-25(1-197)-infected acini were inhibited by 60% and 40%, respectively. The identical targeting of the mutant SNAP-23 and SNAP-25 proteins to the same membrane compartments as SNAP-23 suggests that the inhibition of secretion was a result of their competition against endogenous SNAP-23. This is supported by the fact that this inhibition by the mutant proteins was partially reversed or rescued when the AdCMV-SNAP-25AC8- or AdCMV-SNAP-25(1-197)-infected acini were co-infected with wild-type SNAP-23 or SNAP-25. From these results, we conclude that SNAP-23 plays a role in CCK-evoked regulated exocytosis in the acinar cells.

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